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Free Resources

For students, parents and teachers

We love teaching.  And we love sharing our love of music - not only with our students and their immediate world, but with our colleagues, and with all those who are interested.

If we can provide you something here that you are able to use, we are happy for you to have it, and share it as well. 

Music is a universal language and community experience, after all.

Music Theory Worksheets

For Beginners

Independence Day treble and bass note naming worksheet
Easter treble and bass note naming worksheet
Valentine treble clef note naming worksheet
Valentine bass clef note naming worksheet
Springtime treble clef note naming worksheet
Valentine bass clef note naming worksheet
treble line and space note naming worksheet
bass line and space note naming worksheet
time signatures and rhythm information sheet
time signatures and rhythm worksheet
piano practice chart with kittens and music notes

For Intermediate 

intervals worksheet
building sharp major scales worksheet - E major through C# major
building sharp major scales worksheet - C major through A major
building flat major scales worksheet - A flat major through C flat major
building flat major scales worksheet - C major through E flat major
naming sharp major key signatures worksheet
naming flat major key signatures worksheet
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